Upon waking up on this holiday, it was wonderful to see it was going to be a perfect day. We had planned to have a BBQ later that day. Aaron spent all morning preparing the meat for the dinner. His Parents were coming over to celebrate the day with us.
I had to take photos of the scenery of course.
Hayden was awake when I got up and she was super excited to give me her gift she made for me at school. A big envelope she decorated on the outside. A flower pot and flowers.
With more treasures inside.
She made me a book of poems. Also a book that had her name written on each month of the year, so I could see her hand writing deference from when she first started school. It also had pictures drawn for each month. Very creative, super cute.
A big envelope she decorated on the outside. A flower pot and flowers.
With more treasures inside.
I had to order moms gift this year and have it shipped from the store. Mothers day snuck up on us, so I didn't get to wrap it myself. I hope she didn't mind. I let the kids pick out some jewelry for her and Hayden picked out a nice colorful flower and butterfly necklace and earnings. I don't have a picture, but I hope she liked it.
My Amazing Mother.
Hayden's Letter.
Addison's Letter.
This is the first time she has written anything like this. Pretty amazing that she can write now. She just needs help spelling and she will write it.

The Girls made Grandma some cards.
My card from Jerre. It was really cute.
Hayden shoved this note under the Bathroom door as I was getting ready for the day.
Opening the gifts from Aaron and the kid's.
Super excited to see a steam mop. Aaron says not very many women would be happy to see something like that for a gift, but I was SUPER thrilled. Moping my floors will be sooooo much easier and take less of my time. I couldn't be happier.
I also got my fountain for the front door area. Super excited to get this project started.
Hayden took my camera and was taking photos of me setting up my steam mop.
THERE IT IS!!!! I was so excited to use it, I actually moped the kitchen floor after assembling it. It was super easy and fast. WOW!
Ed and Jerre came over around 1:30 that afternoon. Jerre gave me a super nice flower pot and some soil. I am in need of decorative pots for my porches. I was thrilled.
We sat back and let her open her gifts.
She was reading the letters the Girl's made for her.
I also had the kids help make a canvas picture for her.
We got her some glasses and a book also.
Addison's letter to Grandma
Hayden's letter to Grandma.
We all had an amazing time eating and celebrating Mother's Day.
Great Food and great company. I hope you all had an amazing day as well.
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