Aaron had called me one morning from work and we talked for a bit.
I was telling him how the kids were driving me nuts. ha ha
He suggested we go hiking and get out of the house.
With the weather being so hot, the kids don't want to go outside.
And with me trying to get things done around the house with the three kids
fighting, it was driving me nuts.
So after hanging up the phone, I told the kids to get ready for a hike.
We packed a back pack full of snacks and water bottles and away we went.
We threw Booker in the car as well.
I did not realize that it was only a 10 minute rive to the top. If even.
This is so great to know. We now have a bigger back yard to go play with.
Driving up there was quiet. No traffic at all.
There were some vans parked on the side of the road,
with groups of people getting out. They looked like mountain climbers.
They had ropes and all that gear for it.
Once we got there, we grabbed our bag, the Dog, and started our walk.
As you can see, the kids were full of energy.
Alex was excited to go on his own free will.

Any time we came to a huge rock, they had to climb up it.
We got about 5 mintues up the trail and they had already
wanted to stop and take a break. lol
They really liked this tree.
This was the fastest river that we saw. We had to over look a cliff to watch it.
The kids loved watching the water fly over the rocks.
It was really neat to watch.
Alex was making me nervous, as he kept inching closer to the edge.
We stopped in the shade and had some snacks.
When we went to cross the bridge to continue up the trail, we noticed it was gone.
Looks like they were in the process of rebuilding it.
There wasn't a way to get over with three kids, with it gone. Let this be a
lesson to me, to bring our water shoes next time.
lesson to me, to bring our water shoes next time.
So we continued going back down, but off trail. I wanted to find some wild flowers.
Hayden sitting in serene silence.
I cant count how many times Alex fell down,
but he jumped back up quickly.
We were about 5 minutes from the car, and he decided he couldn't walk
anymore and had me carry him. It was past his nap time.
I think these plants are so neat.
I stopped on the look out roads on the way home
to get pictures.
I am going to bring the kids back up soon, to go swimming.
I'm going to go back soon and let the kids go get in the water.
There are lots of water flows.
I have a feeling, that we will be spending lots of time up here.
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