

Monday, October 26, 2015

First time riding bikes together

We all have our own bikes now. WHOO HOO!!!! I had been waiting for this day.  
It was a super gorgeous day and the kids wanted to get out and go ride. 

It didn't take Alex long to learn how to get around on his bike. He still needs to
 figure out how to brake when he needs too tho. He knows how, just not WHEN
he needs too. ha ha 
I'll explain later.... on.

Here we are going down the road for the first time. 

Had to go back for some adjustments on the Girl's Bikes. 

Alex waiting.

And we are off again.

So here is the rest of the story.  We were headed back to the house and the 
road declines downwards a bit. Its my favorite part of the road. Alex's bike really started 
to speed up and he was screaming and got really scared. So I rode along side his bike and 
grabbed his shirt to slow him down. It worked for a minute, but we were
 still declining, so his bike kept gaining speed. This made him really freak out and jerk 
his handles sharply towards me. Which if you can guess, was not a good idea. ha ha 
In a flurry of flailing limbs and tightened nerves, we both fell over the sides of our bikes.
We both ended up laying on the road, with our bikes on top of us, right in the middle 
of the street. We were both okay and good to go... no major injuries. I ended up catching him fast enough to break his fall, but my leg was not happy with me for it. 

Once we got back the kids enjoyed some Shasta.  They don't get soda very often around here. 

It wasn't till later I saw the damage the bike handle did to my leg. 
It was a nice shade of black and blue for a week. 

Alex is not allowed to go back down that road alone,
until he learns to use his brakes. 
We had fun tho and some good laughs over it. 

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