

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Tumor Removal

About a year ago, we noticed a small lump on Booker's chest.  We took him to the vet and had it biopsied to check to see if it was a cancerous tumor.  It was not, thank God.  He told us to keep an eye on it tho and if it continued growing, he would do surgery. 

Well it seemed like over night the thing grew to the size of a golf ball to a base ball size.  So I took him to the vet again and he measured it.  It was a lot bigger.  He scheduled Surgery for him two days later. 

This is his tumor before surgery. 

We headed back into town to drop him off at the clinic for his surgery. 

He did not want to be in there. He was scared.  He kept trying to go out the door.  He must have knew something was up, or he had memories of getting neutered. Who knows. 

They had to literally drag him back into the kennel room.  It was sad to see. He was so scared. 

I got a call about 6 hours later to come pick him up.  He told me that the tumor was a lot bigger then he thought it was going to be.  It caused a large gap inside of his chest, where he had to do cosmetic surgery to fill in the gap.  Also had to do some stitching he normally doesn't have to do. CRAZY! When I got to the clinic to pick him up, they showed me what the tumor looked like. I was shocked.

Booker was still out of it when I carried him to our car.  He sat up the whole way home, because laying down was painful for him.  He struggled laying down in his bed as well. 

Once he got to the point that he could lay down, he did not get up for a long time.  I think it was 2 days before he ate anything. Barely drank any water also. 

This is what his stitches looked like.  I was to go back a week later to remove the stitches. 

I think he will notice that that monstrous thing is off his chest.  He will be a lot happier 

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