The Elementary School was putting on a Family reading night event. This involved selling Scholastic Books and having all kinds of Activities.
When we walked in the door they gave us 2 raffle tickets to put into two different bags. One was the kindergarten bag and the other was to win the free kindle fire.
They then let all 3 kids, pick out a free book from the tables. They were new books.
Then we went on into the book sale to go get some new books. They were having a buy one get one free and the awesome part was they would take the lowest price of the books and give you the most expensive one free. WAY better then ordering from the catalog.
The kids had a blast running around the tables, snatching up what ever book popped out at them. Of course I had to make Alex put a lot of them back. They were not his types of books. ha ha
Lots of fun looking books. Cant wait to read these to the kids.
After picking out our books, I bought them some pop out eye pens. lol. Alex was super excited. We also played the dum dum game, where you pull them out of the holes, and if it had a red end, you could win a free book. None of the kids won that game. But they got a sucker.
We sat and waited for a table to open up for Bingo.
BINGO!! yep, I love this game. Hayden was doing good with keeping up with 2 cards. Addison didn't want to play, so she watched. As for Alex he let us play one game and then started acting up. Not that fun playing, with a screaming kid on my lap. Ugggg...
He was okay after I won a round and had Alex go up and pick out his prize. He chose a whistle. Of all things, OF COURSE he choose a stinking whistle. And after that, it was over, no more games. The bingo callers voice could not over ride the whistle, so I had to get the Whistle out of there. ha ha
Addison playing with the whistle for a second, before I took it and shoved it in my bag. lol
We then went into the library where they handed us bags and told us to take as many books as we wanted on the tables. They had more donations then they had planned, so they were giving all the books away for free. I only let the girls fill up one bag. We now had A LOT of books. :)
I felt bad that I had forgot our books to swap with, but a Lady (cant remember her name) said that it was okay, they were running out of room to put them.
This was one table were the kids were to make their own book markers. They loved this. Even Alex was having fun making his book marker.
Addison was getting help with her letters from the instructor at the table.
She was super nice.
This is what they ended up looking like.
We were going to go to another table to do another project when we heard Hayden's name being called on the Intercom. She had one the Kindergarten raffle ticket and so we were to go to the office and her her prize.
We went to the office and they had a table with all kinds of new books for her to choose from. She picked her book out and off we went. We still had about 20 minutes for the Main Raffle ticket to be called for the free kindle fire. I knew our chances were slim and I was wanting to go home, but the kids wanted to wait to hear the winner.
So we headed to the play ground for a bit. It was such a nice evening.
Alex even got to play with his whistle.
We went back inside, just to hear the winners name being called for the free kindle. It was not Hayden. But she did not care at all. She won the kindergarten raffle and she was happy about that. It was a fun evening with the kids.